Social Media Strategy in Howard County

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life at Our SEO Company

What Does an SEO Company Do?

At Graphic Forms, we’re more than just a digital marketing company. Our team is made up of content writers, SEO experts, app developers, web designers, social media analyzers, and more. We’ve taken our SEO ambitions and fleshed out our team to have advertising experts and more. As we’ve grown, so have our clients and their businesses.

So, what does an SEO company do? And what does the day in the life of an SEO expert look like? We dive into some of our fundamental tasks, how we keep morale up, and what we do to ensure our clients are reaching their business goals each quarter.

Take a peek behind the curtain and see a day in the life at our SEO company in Howard County.

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A Day in the Life of Our SEO Agency

To cover every aspect of what each team member does in a day at our digital marketing company in Howard County would create an article so long no one would have time to skim it, let alone dive deep into what our routines look like. So we’re going for the abridged version to give you a personal feel of what our tasks, routines, and skills are during an average day.

Morning Wake Ups with Emails and Social Media

The day doesn’t truly begin until we’ve settled in behind our desks and taken a look at emails and social media. Overnight we receive new advertising opportunities, status reports we’ve set up to run automatically to monitor keyword rankings, backlink articles, website updates, inbox messages, comments, and likes.

After responding to social media followers and ensuring that today’s posts have gone live right when people are logging in, we make a list of the most critical updates that have come into our inbox. This sets the tone for what is most important to tackle during the day.

We give status reports to clients who got back to us after hours (if someone burning the midnight candle didn’t already get to the “reply” button) and flag our emails for each team member to tackle a project. Then it’s time to review ClickUp notes and dive into the day’s schedule.

But First, a Snack Break

Remember, every 30 minutes you want to stand up, stretch, adjust your eyes, and drink some water. All the numbers, reports, and alerts can become overwhelming, so take a peek outside and eat some breakfast yogurt before you go all morning without any food.

Website Updates and Ranking Reviews

The most important part of the morning is ensuring all websites are operating efficiently and rankings are holding strong. Google and WordPress updates can throw a wrench into even the most carefully scheduled plans, so it’s important to see that everything is in proper working order.

Website plugins are updated, tests are conducted to ensure everything is appearing correctly, and we review status reports that there have been no unexpected ranking drops. First things first is to always get websites running and rankings high and competitive.

Keyword Research, Competitor Review, Content Planning

Once our team checks that all websites and rankings are as expected and email replies have been sorted, we dive into the SEO tasks. Our Howard County SEO experts focus on keyword research, competitor updates, and what new content is trending.

Our Maryland digital marketing team uses a variety of keyword tools like SemRush and AHREFS to monitor keywords. We take a look at what our clients are targeting, what competitors are targeting, and which keywords are becoming more popular and in-demand. It’s important to find new competitive phrases that can be targetted but still fit the client’s niche.

Based on competitor updates and keywords, we begin sorting out what content should come next. All clients get at least one monthly blog plus consistent service page upgrades. We look at where we can design new landing pages, pivot PPC ads, and specialize our blogs to fit customer demand.

Social Media Marketing Services in Maryland

Quick Social Media Check and Break for Lunch

Social media alerts are never-ending, so our team divides and conquers new comments, likes, and messages to stay on top of replies. We’ll design new reels and see what hashtags are trending after lunch. For our favorite meal, we’re likely ordering tacos, especially on #tacotuesday

Social Media Trends and PPC Ads

After lunch we dive into #trending – we look up new Reels ideas, see where the #TikTokBan status is, and monitor if Threads is beating out Twitter… Er, X. All teams come together to weigh in on professional content, eye catching media (thank you print and graphic design department), and we consult with our Howard County SEO experts on what customers are looking for.

We also monitor all PPC ads across Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other avenues. Web designers get to work on new landing pages to help boost conversions so we can link them to new posts and ads we’re getting ready to approve.

Internet Marketing Services in Maryland

End the Day with Final Touches

At the end of the day, we enter all of our notes into Slack and ClickUp so everyone is on the same page. We can prepare what projects to start tomorrow off with and conclude any outstanding client emails and new project updates.

Our writing team submits their new website and social media copy, our advertising team finalizes the finished project, our social media specialists in Howard County conclude the scheduling outline, and our SEO department runs the last reports of the day and sends out final emails for backlinks and guest posts.

With a cheers we end the day on a high, accomplished note and get ready to begin again tomorrow. But first, not without a break in the evening with our families and friends. The more relaxed and refreshed we are, the better we can dive in the next day.

Get to Know Our SEO Team with a One on One Meeting

That’s just a small peek inside our Howard County digital marketing company. We take on a variety of projects that is constantly shifting and pivoting our workflow to provide the best possible client experience and rankings outcome. We’re thankful to have a flexible and creative team that is constantly inspired to try new things.

If you’re interested in getting to know more, send us your website for a free analysis and we’ll do a one on one meeting to see how we can fit you into our daily tasks.

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